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Elections for the upcoming AFT Michigan 2018 Convention and AFT 2018 Convention will take place beginning Monday April 23, 2018.

This will be an online election. You will receive all the materials you need beginning Monday morning April 23, 2018 in an email from Direct Voice.

The voting period is from 4/23/2018 12:01:00 AM Central Time (UTC -6) to 4/27/2018 5:00:00 PM Central Time (UTC -6).

If you do not receive a ballot by 5 PM EST, please send an email to the Election Committee at Please include your name as listed with DFT, phone number and your personal email address.



Election Committee Election Results (e)= elected


Devette Brown-65 votes (e)

Karren Keffer-42 votes (e)

Kim Mitchell -58 votes (e)

Karl Hartwig- 37 votes

Mignon Pierce- 35 votes 

Linda Thomas -57 votes (e)


It has come to our attention this week that reports of violent threats have been made and directed at schools within our district.

Please know that we have been assured that DPSCD Administration and the Detroit Police Department are actively communicating with parents and the general community as well as investigating all reports and responding to them appropriately. We understand that messages aren't getting to staff timely or at all. Communication to staff should come from your building administration or district officials. If this does not occur, let the union know. 

As you know, the safety


Here's our Executive Vice President Terrence Martin reading to students at Greenfield Union Elementary School.

Do you have a National Reading Month event involving teachers and students? Drop us a line and we'll cover it. Contact Ken Coleman, DFT Communications Specialist,  at 313-875-6775.  


WHAT'S NEW: Calendar for Election of Delegates 2018 American Federation of Teachers Convention


The 85th convention of the American Federation of Teachers will be held July 13-16, 2018 at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, PA.  Please click the following Web link for DFT election of delegate deadlines:

The biennial AFT convention is the most important policymaking body of the federation. The vitality and democracy of the union depend upon participation in the convention by delegates from all affiliates in good standing. Important resolutions, constitution and bylaws amendments, and the election of the AFT president, secretary-treasurer, executive vice president and 43 vice presidents will be in the hands of the delegates. Each affiliate should take part in the election and in all other important convention business. Plan now to ensure representation from your affiliate.

See more details:


Please note that dues amounts for 2017-18 school year are as follows:  

Full Dues:  $897.16    

Three Quarters: $672.98   

Half: $448.58  

Quarter: $224.40

If you have questions about DFT Membership Cards and Pocket Calendars, please contact Mae Winters in our office. She works on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to  5 p.m. and can be reached at 313-875-3500.