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Take Action

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Be on the lookout on the Take Action tab under the Actions and Events Menu bar in the red navigation bar up on top each week for volunteer opportunities for activists like you!

We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us the next two months, but like Michelle Obama told us: “If we start feeling tired, if we start feeling that dread creeping back in, we’ve got to pick ourselves up, throw water on our face, and what?—DO SOMETHING.

We are riding high off the energy of the Convention. Let’s keep up the momentum—can you sign up today for a volunteer shift?


Do you want to level


It’s Labor Day, and unions continue to be at their highest favorability levels.

We know why: Unions are how we create a better life for ourselves, our families and our communities. Through our unions, we fight for the teaching and learning conditions that educators and support staff need to help students thrive, the safe staffing that healthcare workers need to help patients, and the safe working conditions that public employees need to better serve communities. Through our unions, we fight for the living wage, dignified retirement and high-quality healthcare you and your family deserve.

And we


9/3/2024 Life is Better in a Union

From the AFL-CIO


This Labor Day, America’s workers are organizing and mobilizing like never before. Will you join us?


This has been a monumental year for America’s labor unions, with the signing of historic, industry-defining contracts. We’re voting to join unions at the highest rate in 15 years. Union approval is on the rise, regardless of political party. 


A new Gallup Poll shows 70% of Americans approve of unions! And it’s no mystery why: People all over the country are realizing unions are the single best tool we have to stand together against corporate greed. 


Workers know that it’s better in a union. And this Labor Day, we’re making it clear: We’re not going back. 


What will you do to make a difference? Let’s keep our momentum up and come together to support leaders who will have workers’ backs. 


Find out how to take action at 


Our jobs, our unions and our contracts are on the line. 


It’s time to do what unions do best: organize and mobilize. Our story is the story of America’s workers. We will not let it be written by billionaires—on Labor Day or any day. 

9/3/2024 Call Out J.D. Vance

From AFT President, Randi Weingarten:

I am still shocked and disgusted by JD Vance’s attacks against teachers and school support professionals. Fortunately, it seems to be backfiring on him, so let’s keep up the momentum.

Here are two things you can do to call out JD Vance:

  1. Click here to write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper in support of your community’s educators.
  2. Click here to record a short video to remind Donald Trump and JD Vance that their words and actions are causing real harm to kids and communities. We’ll share it on social media. You can also simply tag @aftunion in anything you post online.

I shouldn’t have to say this, because it seems obvious, but: Having children is irrelevant to whether a teacher or school support professional cares about children. This is especially hurtful as so many of our members go back to school, digging into their own pockets to pay for school supplies and welcoming kids and parents into their classrooms.

Whether or not they have kids of their own, the fact remains that educators want what children need. It’s why teachers and school support professionals across the country have given away 10 million books to students to grow their confidence in reading. It’s why they have stood up for community schools with wraparound services to address students’ academic, social, emotional and physical needs. It’s why they have implemented free breakfast and lunch programs in our schools. And it’s why they have created opportunity and pathways in healthcare and manufacturing through an expansion of career and technical education.

The difference is clear: While teachers and school support professionals are working to create real solutions for a better life, Vance and Trump are working to divide us with nasty rhetoric and dismantle public education as we know it. We need to call this out, and your perspective can help remind other voters that we have so much more in common than what the Trump-Vance ticket wants us to believe.

So please, take a few minutes to write a letter to your local newspaper or record a quick video in support of the educators in your community. It’s time to stand up to these attacks.

In unity,
Randi Weingarten
AFT President

Take Action! Placement

At the September Regular Board Meeting, we are asking members to let the school board and superintendent know how placement has impacted your career. Teacher Placement was a prohibited subject of bargaining since 2011. What effect has it had on your job?  You are encouraged to participate in public comment and send emails as a follow-up.

Take Action! Make Your Voices Heard!

Make your views known to those in Congress and the state legislatures who represent you on the issues that affect educators, students and working families every day.  Visit the AFT's Take Action page.

$94 Million for Detroit

$94 Million for Detroit

Use the link above to let Lansing know that the district needs its money. Three years ago the state settled the Detroit Literacy Lawsuit. A part of that settlement mandated that DPSCD would receive at least $94 million for literacy programs. That money has yet to be allocated in the state budget. HELP CHANGE THAT!  Sign this petition and have it sent to your state representative and senator. It's past time for the Governor and the lawmakers to do right by the district. It will only take a few minutes of your time. Then, share the petition link with your family and friends.

Keeping Up the Pressure!


It was a great showing of solidarity at Tuesday night's DPSCD School Board meeting, with a broad range of speakers at the microphone or on-line. It was obvious the turnout of union folks at Western International HS had a major effect. Our work is not done! We need to continue to show our presence for the rest of the school year.

If we do not speak to the issues, they do not come to the forefront. It is up to us, the largest labor union within DPSCD,  to hold the superintendent and the school board accountable for all their actions. The dialogue between some school board members and the superintendent after the public comments proved that more work needs to be done as it pertains to the 2023-2024 school budget.

We want to urge everyone to continue with our email blasts to the school board. Keep it up! References were made several times during the board meeting by different school board members that they were getting the emails. At Tuesday night's meeting some board members stated they were not aware that pink slips went out to employees.  If you were an employee who received a layoff notice, please attach it to your email. How does a school board make informed, intelligent, responsible decisions if they are not made aware of the actions of HR?

Our Take Action! will not stop. We need to keep the pressure on the school board.

1. Keep writing those emails and send it to every board member! Use the template that was provided in the Union Hotline! Take Action! email sent on Monday, April 17th or go to the Take Action tab on the DFT website. Help us do the work! Spread the word.

2. Show up for the Board's  meetings and sign up for public comment. We know the Finance meetings are during the work day so if you can, log on during your prep or lunch hour. Much of the decision making done by the school board is made at these committee meetings. Here are the dates (both virtual and in person) for April, May and June.

DPSCD Finance Committee Meeting Friday, Apr. 28, 2023 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

In-Person Meeting
Fisher Building, 12th Floor Conference Room
Join by Computer: (please copy and paste link)                 Join by Telephone 1 (301) 715-8592  Webinar ID: 82002207102#

DPSCD Regular School Board Meeting on Tuesday, May 16, 2023 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM

DPSCD Finance Committee Meeting Friday, June 2, 2023  2023 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

DPSCD Regular School Board Meeting on Tuesday, June 13, 2023 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM

3. Attend the State of the Schools Sessions. There will be a flyer sent with more specific details but the dates for the sessions are

Saturday, April 29th (12 noon-2 pm)

Tuesday, May 2nd (6:00-8:00 pm)

Thursday, May 4th (6:00-8:00 pm)

4.  Discuss these impending job cuts at your building with your staff. The work performed by  College Transition Advisors, Attendance Agents, Deans of Culture, and Paraeducators is not going away.  Who will be responsible for performing these tasks? Reach out to those members in your work location who are facing a job cut. Let them know that the Union is engaging its members in Take Action! As we know, an injury to one is an injury to all.

Save Our Jobs!


Here are some ways you can help our union members, from the DFT and other locals, who are facing job layoffs and reassignments. These ideas were discussed at the April General Membership Meeting and members agreed we need to make our voices heard.

1. Show up at the School Board Meeting tomorrow night. As you may know, some of our DFT members have already received layoff notices. An injury to one is an injury to all. The College Transition Advisors were not even told this was a possibility at their engagement meeting with Dr. Vitti. Imagine how they felt when they were blindslided with a pink slip last Wednesday evening. They had been told they would receive assistance in being moved to other positions, not lose their job, their livelihood.

Wear the red DFT shirt to tomorrow's meeting. (If you don't have this DFT shirt, wear red. We will have some union shirts available at the board meeting.) Encourage staff at your building to show up for the board meeting, too. The "wear red for ed" will send a strong message to the school board and the community that we are serious about doing what is best for students.

2. Sign up for public comment at the board meeting (whether virtual or in person).  Let the community know that just because these jobs are under consideration for elimination, it does not mean the work they do will stop. Who is the burden going to fall on if we lose attendance agents, college transition advisors, deans of cultures, parapros? It will fall on you, no matter what job classification you hold within the DFT.  

3. Blast the school board members with emails this week! Personalize the emails by sending a photograph of you, a DFT member, standing beside someone who is being threatened with the loss of their job. We need our college transition advisors! We need our deans of cultures! We need our attendance agents! We need our paraprofessionals!  If you need help in crafting an email, use the template we have provided. You can edit the email if you would like. Send the same email to each school board member.

Subject: Urgent - Saving Ancillary Staff Jobs

Dear _______________________________________(insert school board member's name here),

I hope this email finds you well.  I am writing to you today, as a DFT member, to urge you to consider the importance of our ancillary staff members and to advocate for their continued employment.

Why I value our _______(insert title of the person in the photograph) is because they are part of the backbone of our school. They provide invaluable support to our teachers, administrators, and students, and their contributions to our school are immeasurable. Our ancillary staff members are integral to our mission of providing a quality education to every student by ensuring that our students receive the support they need to succeed. From calling and making home visits to parents of students with high absenteeism, small group instruction and interventions, assisting with financial aid and college scholarship applications to restorative practices and much, much more. Our support staff brothers, sisters and siblings are priceless!

Removing _________ (insert name and title of person in photograph) will have a direct impact on my students because ___________________________________________. My students will suffer dramatically. This is why the work of the ________________________(insert title of person in photograph) is imperative to our school!

We simply cannot afford to lose the talent and expertise of our ancillary staff members. I urge you to consider the impact that their loss would have on our school community. The work of these individuals will still need to be done and that means more burden and more stress for classroom teachers to undertake.

I understand that difficult decisions must be made, but I hope that you will join me in advocating for our ancillary staff members and finding creative solutions to keep them employed. Thank you for your time and attention to this important matter.


Your name, work location

Individual school board members email addresses:

  • Angelique Peterson-Mayberry, President

  • Misha Stallworth, Vice President

  • Sonya Mays, Treasurer

  • Dr. Iris Taylor, Secretary

  • Sherry Gay-Dagnogo

  • LaTrice McClendon

  • Bishop Corletta J. Vaughn

School Funding Advocacy Day on April 25, 2023


Please join us as we meet in Lansing on Tuesday, April 25, 2023 to advocate for equitable funding for Michigan's public schools. The Michigan Education Justice Coalition has planned an entire day demonstrating support for full and fair school funding of Michigan's schools. Registration can be completed at School Funding Advocacy Day 2023. Breakfast, lunch and snacks will be proviced. Can we count on you?