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Letters of Agreement


The DFT and DPSCD recognize the importance of relationship building to retaining our current students and the necessity of attracting new students to the school district in order to support proper staffing levels and maintain fiscal integrity and financial growth for the purpose of providing adequate staffing, essential programs, and necessary educational opportunities to students. DPSCD has implemented its Parent Teacher Home Visit Program. Here is the

Summer School 2024 LOA

Here is the letter of agreement for Summer School 2024. Click here: Summer School LOA 2024.

Pathway Teachers LOA (2023)

Please read the LOA regarding the Pathway Teachers program in the district: LOA.

LOA Amended Calendar Change 2023-2024

The district and the union have signed a Letter of Agreement affecting the 2023-2024 calendar. The Professional Development originally scheduled for Monday, January 29th will now be held on Tuesday, February 27, 2024. This change is due to the Michigan Presidential Primary Election being held on that day and many of our work locations are polling site. Other calendar changes include the February Count Date and the recognition of Juneteenth. You can read the LOA here  


LOA Head Coach Sports Reporter Producer 2023-2024

The district and the union have agreed to a stipend rate for the newly created position of Head Coach Sports Reporter Producer. Click here for the letter of agreement.

2023-2024 Class Size Overage Supplemental Pay

Click here for the letter of agreement which addresses oversize classes for the 2023-2024 school year.

2023 Summer School LOA

Please check this link for details of Summer School 2023. The LOA speaks to Program Schedules, Wages, Staff Requirements and Class Size.

LOA Coaching Special Olympics 2023

 Here is the Letter of Agreement for coaching the United Special Olympics, signed March 2023.