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Letters of Agreement

LOA Allows Laid-Off Teachers to Interview

Letter of Agreement between The School District of the City of Detroit and The Detroit Federation of Teachers

By their representatives' signatures below, the parties agree to the following relative to teachers assigned to reconstituted schools who received layoff notices with an effective date of August 28, 2009 and wish to interview for a teaching position at their assigned schools.

Teachers who are assigned to reconstituted schools who have received a layoff notice with an effective date of August 28, 2009 shall be allowed to interview for a teaching position at the reconstituted school. If selected, the teacher(s) shall only be assigned to the reconstituted school if (a) all displaced teachers from other schools with more seniority have been assigned and (b) the notice of layoff has been rescinded prior to August 28, 2009 or the laid-off teacher is recalled after August 28, 2009.

The selection of a teacher who has received a notice of layoff shall not negate the effective date of the layoff.