7700 Second Avenue Suite #410
Detroit, Michigan 48202
Professional Staff
- Lakia Wilson, President, 313-875-6788, LWilson@dft231.com
- Jason Posey, Executive Vice President, 313-875-6786, JPosey@dft231.com
Labor Relations Administrators
- Karin Whittler, 313-875-6776, KWhittler@dft231.com~ East Side locations (east of Woodward), also Cass Tech, DSA, Burton
- Jason Posey, Executive Vice President, 313-875-6786, JPosey@dft231.com~ West Side locations (west of Woodward)
Answering Service: You may leave voice mail for Labor Relations Administrators at any time. PLEASE leave your name and telephone number where you can be reached during the day. NOTE: If you are a DFT member, please provide your name, address and work location when you leave a message.
Other Key Personnel
- Patrick Falcusan, Retirement Counselor, 313-875-6783, PFalcusan@dft231.com
- Yolanda King, Organizing Fellow, 313-804-5580, YKing@dft231.com
- Regina Fuqua, Organizing Fellow, 313-875-6775, RFuqua@dft231.com
- Mae Winters, Office Assistant, 313-875-3500 press 6, in office on Tuesdays and Thursdays to assist with dues payments, MWinters@dft231.com
- Vida Bonacci, Data Communications, 313-875-3500, VBonacci@dft231.com