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An awesome time had by all during the "For the Teachers, By the Teachers" 4th Annual Teachers Appreciation Gala on June 16. Detroit Police Chief James Craig was keynote speaker.

The meal was delightful, the band was entertaining and laughter filled the air. The speakers’ inspirational stories gave motivation to the career we hold so dear. The Teachers, the sponsors, the speakers and the entertainment were acknowledged at the 4th Annual Teachers Appreciation Gala planned "For the Teachers, By the Teachers."

Every person walked away with a word of encouragement and a token of appreciation.

It is


Dr. Nikolai Vitti, DPSCD general superintendent, recently was a guest on the metro Detroit broadcast "The Teachers' Lounge." 

The weekly broadcast airs on Comcast Cable in various cities, including Detroit on Channel 91. The show is co-hosted by Leslie Carlis, Marnina Rose and DFT officers William Weir and Donavon Gardner. 
Vitti discussed a variety of issues during the one-hour interview, including class size and race. It aired live on June 14. 

WHAT'S NEW: How to be heard on Social Studies standards


What's missing from Michigan's proposed social studies standards? Read Bridge magazine feature:

Read proposed K-12 Social Studies standards: 
You can offer comments: 

WHAT'S NEW: Early dismissal protocol

Today, June 18, 2018, all schools will dismiss three (3) hours earlier than the normal dismissal time. The early dismissal is due to high temperatures developing into the afternoon.

Please see the following DFT/DPSCD contract language:

Article Twenty-Five: Emergency School Closures

Emergency Weather Conditions

"When individual schools are closed after the start of the school day, teachers will also be dismissed."

In the case of students who are not picked up immediately after dismissal:

Article Seven: School Schedules

Section seven:

"At the elementary school level, teachers will escort their students to the designated dismissal door; any students not picked up will be escorted by the teacher to a place identified in the building procedures. At the middle and high school levels, teachers will clear the halls of students in their area of the building." 

The official delegates for the upcoming AFT & AFT Michigan 2018 conventions are:

AFT Michigan 2018 Convention
  • Enid Johnson
  • Kimberly D. Mitchell
  • Marsha Lewis
  • Beverly Wilkerson
  • Crystal Lee
  • Samantha Hoskin
  • Angela Link
  • Marva Fletcher
  • Dwan McGrady
  • Sean Perin

2018 AFT Convention

  • Enid Johnson
  • Kimberly D. Mitchell
  • Marsha Lewis
  • Beverly Wilkerson
  • Crystal Lee
  • Samantha Hoskin
  • Angela Link
  • Marva Fletcher
  • Dwan McGrady
  • Devette Brown


School Board Heard Our Voices


Nothing About Us, Without Us!

Thanks to all who attended the Tuesday, April 10 Detroit Board of Education meeting at Mumford High School. DFT Members presented our concerns, which included:

  • Unfair teacher evaluations
  • Poor teaching and learning conditions
  • Unnecessary lesson plans expectations
  • Insulting dress code policy
  • Inconsistent attendance policies
  • Excessive/unnecessary paperwork