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WHAT'S NEW: Questions Concerning DPSCD's Evaluation Portal

It has come to our attention that members are being asked to upload evidence and create portfolios on the district's new evaluation portal.  You are only required to create a sign-in ID and password! Training will be offered at a later date. 

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at the union office: 313-875-3500.

--Your DFT President Ivy Bailey

WHAT'S NEW: AFT Detroit House Visit Blitz


AFT Detroit members on May 6 canvassed metro Detroit having one-on-one conversation with nonmembers at their homes. There is strength in numbers. We're coming to a neighborhood near you!

WHAT'S NEW: Watch DFT President Ivy Bailey on "Spotlight on the News"


DFT President Ivy Bailey on May 7 discussed a variety of topics, including the state of contract negotiations, incoming Superintendent Dr. Nikolai Vitti, the Trump Administration and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.

Click the Web link to watch http://ICYMI: Spotlight on the News: In-depth interview with Detroit Federation of Teachers President Ivy Bailey

WHAT'S NEW: #BuildSchoolsNotWalls May 1 rally in Detroit to #ReclaimOurSchools


AFT Detroit rallied on May 1 at the Horatio Williams Foundation Center in Detroit to push back, organize and fight against draconian Trump and DeVos policies to reduce vital investment in public schools.

Fighting for Freedom


AFT Michigan President David Hecker and DFT President Ivy Bailey attended the annual Detroit branch NAACP Fight for Freedom Dinner held on April 23 at Cobo Convention Center in downtown Detroit. 

The keynote speaker was U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, a Democrat from Massachusetts. 

Focus on resources in Detroit schools' new start: Detroit Free Press guest column by Ivy Bailey - April 21


If we are serious about improving public education for all children, we should invest in their schools and their educators. That’s why it is essential that we take a critical look at the resources we have available and how those resources are being allocated.