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Wellness Wednesday

Sun Exposure: June 26, 2024

melanoma risks

Summer and the outdoors go hand in hand. However you need to watch out for sun exposure.
Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek, Slide: Watch this 2 minute video: Iconic 5 Word Phrase From Australia. (In the US, you can check the UV Index at EPA UV Index.)

Are people of color at risk for skin cancer?  Yes, The Facts About People of Color & Skin Cancer Risk

Sun Exposure Facts
Sun Exposure Facts


Stay Safe This Summer June 19, 2024

Safety Online Tips for Vacationing

Be aware of your water intake during days of high temperatures: Basics of Staying Hydrated.

It's summer and many of you are posting all the fun things you are doing on social media but you have to stay vigilant. Follow these tips on how to prepare if you plan to leave your house and go on vacation this summer: Tips for Staying Safe While Traveling.

Cybersafety Tips

Men's Health Awareness June 12, 2024

3 things for men's health awareness

President Bill Clinton signed a proclamation in 1994 declaring a week be set aside for Men's Health Week for the following reasons:

  • Despite the advances in medical technology and research, men continue to live an average of 7 years less than women
  • Likelihood that a man will develop prostate cancer is 1 in 11
  • Number of men contracting prostate cancer will reach over 120,000 in 1993, with an expected one-third of the cases to die from the disease
  • Testicular cancer is one of the most common cancers in men aged 15-34, and when detected early, has an 87 percent survival rate
  • Number of men contracting lung disease will reach over 100,000 in 1993, with an expected 85 percent of the cases to die from the disease
  • Number of cases of colon cancer among men will reach over 80,000 in 1993; with nearly one-third of the cases to die from the disease
  • Death rate for prostate cancer has grown at almost twice the death rate of breast cancer in the last five years
  • African-American men in the United States have the highest incidence in the world of cancer of the prostate
  • Men are seven times as likely as women to be arrested for drunk driving and three times as likely to be alcoholics
  • Women visit the doctor 150 percent as often as men enabling them to detect health problems in their early stages
  • Significant numbers of male related health problems such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, infertility, and colon cancer, could be detected and treated if men’s awareness of these problems was more pervasive
  • Educating both the public and health care providers about the importance of early detection of male health problems will result in reducing rates of mortality for these diseases
  • Appropriate use of tests such as Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) exams, blood pressure screens, cholesterol screens, etc., in conjunction with clinical examination and self-testing for problems such as testicular cancer can result in the detection of many of these problems in their early stages and increases in the survival rates to nearly 100 percent
  • Many men are reluctant to visit their health center or physician for regular screening examinations of male related problems for a variety of reasons including fear, lack of information, and cost factors
  • Men who are educated about the value that preventive health can play in prolonging their lifespan and their role as a productive family member will be more likely to participate in health screenings

📣📣📣📣    Where should men start? Here is a 2 minute video that has a health screening schedule for men ages 20 and older: Men's Health: Where Should You Start?

Alzheimer's Awareness: June 5, 2024

dementia chart

June is the month the Alzheimer's Association wants to bring highlight Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness. It has published a list of 10 Healthy Habits for your Brain.

Here are 10 Early Signs and Symptons of Alzheimer's and Dementia.

Walking: May 22, 2024

anatomy of walking chart

Walking relieves stress. Here are 8 reasons how the simple act of walking can help you de-stress.

  1. Instant Mood Booster
  2. Become More Creative and Productive
  3. Energy Increased
  4. Sleep Better
  5. Gives You a Break
  6. Reduces Stress to be Outdoors
  7. Aids in Warding Off Signs of Depression
  8. Improve Overall Health

Check out this article that explains the Eight Benefits of Walking.

Voice Disorders and Drinking Water: May 15, 2024

protecting our voices

Teachers were estimated to be two to three times more likely than the general population to develop a voice disorder. Certain factors, such as number of classes per week, noise generated outside of the school setting, and volume of voice while lecturing, were indicated to increase the risk of teachers developing a voice disorder. -- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Behaviors contributing  to voice problems:

  • shouting
  • talking loudly over noise
  • coughing
  • throat clearing
  • poor hydration

Implement practices to reduce vocally traumatic behaviors:

  • drink plenty of water
  • talk at a moderate volume


Recommendations on the right amount of water intake range from 2 quarts 2 liters per day to “whatever it takes to pee pale" (see chart below).  Sipping your water throughout the day and evening is much more beneficial than trying to drink a lot all at once.

If you weigh

  • 125 lbs: aim to drink 62 oz (about 2 quarts)
  • 150 lbs: aim to drink 75 oz (about 5 pints)
  • 200 lbs: aim to drink 100 oz (about 3 quarts)

People have different internal sensations of thirst. If your voice is working well, you may already get enough for your own system. If you notice signs of vocal fatigue increasing the amount of water you drink is a simple first step. As always, use common sense. If you have heart or kidney problems, or other concerns about fluid intake, talk to your doctor before making drastic changes.

Ice-cold drinks used to be forbidden. However, research has shown that it doesn’t matter whether you drink cold, hot, warm, or lukewarm beverages. Drink whatever temperature you like, what feels best on a particular day. The main thing is to get plenty of fluids on a regular basis.

Am I drinking enough water?

Mental Health Awareness May 8, 2024

You are not alone, proirtize mental health and stay connected

Wellness Wednesdays is one of the ways we are promoting well-being, which is the ability of individuals to address normal stresses, work productively, and realize one’s highest potential. We have to be aware of our mental health.

Some facts you may not know about mental health:  

Resources are available. Phone Numbers are at the bottom of this document:  

  or you can reach out by using this link: "Take the Moment" Programs with NAMI

High Blood Pressure Education Month: May 1, 2024

chart of blood pressure numbers explained

The best way to keep your blood pressure down is to know what makes it go up. – Meister Johansen

It’s never too late to take control of your blood pressure and improve your overall health. – Sarah Jenkins

Reading is Good for Mental Health: April 24, 2024

Anne Lamott Bird by Bird

"Writing and reading decrease our sense of isolation. They deepen and widen and expand our sense of life: They feed the soul. When writers make us shake our heads with the exactness of their prose and their truths, and even make us laugh about ourselves or life, our buoyancy is restored."  Anne Lamott

Why reading is important to your mental health: Mental Health Benefits of Reading Books. We spend a lot of time advocating for our students to read. You must read, too!

Click here: Slideshow of 7 Reasons Why Reading is Important for Children and Adults.

Stress Awareness Month: April 10, 2024

Stress Factors

One thing is certain! Our jobs in education carry a lot of stress. April is designated as Stress Awareness Month so here are some tips we have for you. 

What is stress? Watch this 2:30 minute video that explains: Managing Stress: Brainsmart.

Utilize these tips which can be found from the National Institutes of Health. Click here: Steps to Manage Stress and Build Resilience for more information.

  1. Recognize and counter signs of stress.
  2. Take time for yourself.
  3. Try new routines.
  4. Stay in touch with family, friends and groups as well as make new friends.
  5. See problems through a different lens by "reframing".
  6. Seek help with problems and/or talk to a profession