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Wellness Wednesday

Spice It Up! December 6, 2023

spice chart

Spice a dish with love and it pleases every palate.--Platius

Use these tips to add flavor to your holiday cooking and get nutritional value at the same time: Spice It Up!

Breast Cancer Awareness (October 25, 2023)

October Breast Cancer Awareness pink ribbon

“Trauma may happen to you, but it can never define you.” ― Melinda Longtin

We would like to recognize that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Signs,Symptons, Risks of Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Awareness for Men

Colonoscopy: March 27, 2024

Colonoscopy Prevention
True or False?

Have you scheduled your colonoscopy? Do you know someone who needs to do theirs? Today's activity on our March 2024 Solidarity Calendar is to raise awareness for this simple, yet important and potentially life-saving, procedure. March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Here is a 3 minute video from the Cleveland Clinic that explains the basics of a colonoscopy: 6 Reasons to Get a Colonoscopy

Being Heart-Smart: Valentine's Day, 2024

February is National American Heart Month and its focus on reducing the risk factors of heart disease.

  1. High blood pressure. Millions of people in the United States have high blood pressure, and millions of them are as young as 40 or 50.
  2. High cholesterol, diabetes, and obesity are all conditions that can increase your risk for heart disease. Work on eating healthy and getting some physical activity a few times a week.
  3. Smoking cigarettes. Over 35 million adults in America are smokers.  If you’re a smoker, do your best to quit or cut down.

Even small changes help make a difference. Reduce the amount of fast food. Eat more greens. Take the stairs. Walk the kids to school. Go outside and play with the kids or walk the dog. Walking is one of the healthiest and safest activities we can do for ourselves.

Sign up for these tips: 100 Ways in 100 Days to Better Health.

Difficult Family Members During Holidays: 12/20/23

35 tips for dealing with difficult family members

It's never overreacting to ask for what you want and need--Amy Poehler

The holidays are a tough time for many people. Whether you simply don’t get along with family members, or the current political climate is causing tension, holidays are hard. You might struggle with depression or anxiety that is heightened by time spent with immediate and extended family. There are techniques to employ that can help you deal with difficult people.

For a detailed explanation of each tip listed below, check out this article: Difficult Family Holidays.

Thanksgiving Food Safety Tips: November 15, 2023

food safety tips poster

When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the food and for the joy of living." --Tecumseh

Thanksgiving Day will be here soon and it's time to get ready: Preparing Your Holiday Turkey Safely

We have also included this 2 minute video which has tips for Thanksgiving food safety:  Thanksgiving Food Safety

Educators Self-Care October 18, 2023

self care for educators icons

Wellness begins with self-awareness and self-care.” – Unknown

Here are 8 Must-Do Ideas for all "Educators Self-Care" along with a Self-Care Challenge: Educator Self Care

Cancer Prevention: Feb. 7, 2024

30 Day Cancer Prevention Checklist

Awareness is the first step to making a difference. --slogan used for National Cancer Awareness Day 2023

February is National Cancer Prevention Month which focuses on the things we can control to lessen our odds of developing cancer.

  • Regular exercise
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Eating healthy foods
  • Quitting or never starting smoking
  • Limiting alcohol use

Don't forget about routine checkups, treating or preventing other health conditions, and knowing your risk factors. We can't stop every form of cancer yet, but we do have the tools to decrease our risk factors.

More information can be found here: Cancer Prevention Information. We have also included their 30-day checklist.

Carcinoid, Lung, Pancreatic Cancer Awareness: 11/29/2023

Carcinoid, Lung, Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month for November

Always remember cancer awareness is the first step towards cancer prevention.--Vedantu

Information about Carcinoid Tumors

Information about Lung Cancer

Information about Pancreatic Cancer

Grief Loss During the Holidays: November 22, 2023

quote from Helen Keller

It can be hard to celebrate and be festive during the holidays if there has been a loss, so we hope these tips will help:  Grief Loss During the Holidays.