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All members of the A. Philip Randolph Institute Board of Directors and more than 200 of the organization’s members signed on to a statement of support for educators in Detroit and urged the school district to bargain a fair contract agreement. Read the full statement.


Detroit Federation of Teachers Interim President Ivy Bailey today addressed members of the city’s Financial Review Commission (FRC) to urge decision-makers to reward the hard work of educators with fair and competitive salaries and benefits.


Members of the Detroit Federation of Teachers joined more than 3,000 union delegates from around the country in Minneapolis July 18-21 for the American Federation of Teachers’ biennial convention. Interim President Ivy Bailey and Executive Vice President Terrence Martin were part of a delegation of 10 DFT members attending the national gathering.


Each year questions are asked about what seem to be discrepancies on members' W2s--specifically the amount shown in Box 1 (Wages) being too low.

The amount shown in Box 1 only reflects wages that are subject to federal, state and city taxes. Some wages are not subject to taxes and are not shown.  Such items as TSAs, TDPs, MIP, Basic 4, Pension Plus, Section 125s, healthcare premiums etc. are not subject to taxes.

If a member made $65,000, but put $10,000 annually into her TSA, then Box 1 would only show $55,000 in taxable wages. If another member made $65,000, but put a combined $25,000 annually


Click above for a PDF document on the section on teacher evaluation in the new law. A link to the full bill can be accessed by going to:


The nature of our roles as union and management is that we may disagree on issues, but never on focus. Our mutual focus is to provide the best learning environment for all of our students, at every school, in every neighborhood across the district. We jointly, with all of our resources, commit to transform the Detroit Public Schools through this historic and evolutionary contract. This contract will include:
· Peer Assistance and Review
· Meaningful jointly-determined professional staff development
· Best practices at Priority Schools
· Shared decision-making
· School-based performance bonuses
· Comprehensive teacher evaluation system

We understand that to achieve what we set out to do we must eliminate bureaucratic impediments to allow flexibility, creativity, entrepreneurship, trust and risk-taking to become the new reality in our schools.

We mutually agree to transform our schools. We challenge ourselves each day to improve student learning, based on academic rigor, newfound flexibility, meaningful assessments, and true accountability of administrators, teachers and staff, parents and students. The standards we hold for our students must never be lower than those we hold for our own children. To accomplish this, we must focus on each instructional and each operational change to support the children and adults in schools, whom we expect to meet these rigorous challenges. 

The academic reforms and increased level of accountability for all those responsible for instruction and instructional support of our students are meaningless unless we simultaneously ensure a comprehensive education with adequate books, supplies and technology for students and staff.
We must also guarantee a safe and secure learning environment for students and staff.

Change must be service-oriented, supportive and sufficiently flexible so that each school’s educational vision becomes a reality. Change must be practical, possible, efficient and timely. Respect for each other and for each student must be unconditional. 

Together we will transform DPS. Our students deserve no less!


At the Nov. 12 General Membership meeting, a bylaw change was approved by unanimous vote. The change saves money by reducing the number of delegates to the American Federation of Teachers Convention and the AFT Michigan convention. DFT membership has declined from 12,500 members a decade ago to 7,200 members. The amendment reduces the number of elected delegates from 50 to 20 and the number of alternates would be reduced from 25 to 10. These changes do not affect the number of votes cast at either convention because our delegation's votes are based on our total membership, not the size of our delegation.


DFT Executive Board Proposes Bylaw Change

Language for the Referendum
Regarding Bylaw Change on DFT General Elections
New language is underlined.
The DFT Executive Board recommends adoption of the following bylaw change.
Article VI         Voting Machines, Mail Ballot, and Electronic Voting
a.         These By-laws shall not be interpreted to forbid the use of voting machines in any union election. If such machines are to be used in a general election, plans and procedures for their use shall be prepared by the Election Committee, and be subject to approval by the Executive Board in conjunction with the Election Committee. Final approval must be given by the membership no later than the October meeting. Procedures followed shall comply with such of these by-laws as do not apply solely to the use of paper ballots, and, in general, with the procedures and safeguards used in Detroit elections.
Article VI, Section 9, new paragraph b.
b.         These Bylaws shall not be interpreted to forbid a mail ballot to all DFT members at the home addresses in any union election. If a mail ballot is to be used in a general election, plans and procedures shall be developed by the Election Committee, and be subject to approval by the Executive Board in conjunction with the Election Committee. Final approval must be given by the membership no later than the October Membership meeting.
Article VI, Section 9, new paragraph c.
c.         These Bylaws shall not be interpreted to forbid electronic voting (i.e. by computer or on-line voting) as technology advances are developed, in any union election. If electronic voting is to be used in a general election, plans and procedures shall be developed by the Election Committee, and be subject to approval by the Executive Board in conjunction with the Election Committee. Final approval must be given by the membership no later than the October Membership meeting.

DFT teacher honored at Tony Awards


Detroit's own Cass Tech Drama Teacher, Marilyn McCormick, was honored on June 12 at the 70th Annual Tony Awards in New York City. Marilyn received this year's Excellence in Theatre Education Award. The annual award, sponsored by Carnegie Mellon University, recognizes a K-12 theatre educator in the U.S. who has "demonstrated monumental impact on the lives of students and who embodies the highest standards of the profession."  


Educating. Organizing. Mobilizing. That’s how Detroit Federation of Teachers members have spent the last few weeks. And our work is making a difference. Let’s stand together and keep our union strong.