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A group of about 35 teachers, parents and community activists gathered at the Fisher Building Monday afternoon to present Detroit Public Schools Transition Manager Judge Steven Rhodes with “The Public Schools All Detroit Children Deserve,” a platform document that outlines a community-driven vision for public education. You can read the community platform here in English, or Spanish.


The Detroit Federation of Teachers May membership meeting provided an amazing evening of solidarity and information sharing. Read more for meeting notes and volunteering opportunities from Interim President Ivy Bailey.


Michigan House Republicans made it clear with their early morning vote that they plan to destroy Detroit’s public education system, take away the rights of educators and school staff, and bust the union. Under cover of darkness at 4 a.m. today, lawmakers passed some of the worst bills we have ever seen, all targeting the Detroit public school system—which overwhelmingly serves black and brown children.


House Speaker Bashes Detroit Teachers After Earley Resignation [2.3.16]

House speaker bashes Detroit teachers union after emergency manager announces resignation, click here:

DFT Collecting E-mail Addresses [3.23.11]

The DFT is asking members to submit their home e-mail addresses so we have the ability to alert them on short notice about critical issues. Please DO NOT give us your DPS e-mail address (ex: because we are not authorized to conduct union business through your district e-mail. To submit: e-mail us, with your name, file number, and home e-mail address at


DFT members are urged to make copies of all correspondence with the district because original documents can be lost. Make sure to keep a copy for your files on all correspondence (for example: separation from service, invocation of bumping rights, substitute agreement upon layoff, and additional salary request forms). Have your own copy available to be date-stamped by the district. Never leave any department at the district without a second date-stamped copy of what you gave the district.

Make Sure Your Information is Updated

It is critical for all DFT members to update their contact information, especially those members who are laid off. There have been instances when an employee is recalled but the DPS Human Resources Department doesn't have a current address or telephone number to recall him or her. Update your information both at the DPS Human Resources Department and the DFT. You must notify both institutions. Notifying one does not translate to the other. To update info with the DFT, call 313-875-3500 or fax updated info to 313-875-3512.

Notify DFT if Served a Summons

If a DFT member is served with a court summons or notice of a lawsuit regarding their employment, send it to the DFT immediately. These documents must be forwarded to General Counsel within seven calendar days of being served.