Detroit Federation of Teachers Interim President Ivy Bailey today addressed members of the city’s Financial Review Commission (FRC) to urge decision-makers to reward the hard work of educators with fair and competitive salaries and benefits.
Bailey encouraged FRC members to examine and prioritize how monies are spent to better support students and educators.
“It is clear from comparing DPS expenditures with other districts that spending in a number of categories is out of line in Detroit,” Bailey told the FRC. She urged them to examine expenditures, including “including an immediate examination of the DPSCD budget and the streamlining of non-classroom full-time employees.”
Over the past few weeks, the DFT contract negotiations team has been in talks with Detroit Public Schools to reach a new agreement between the district and educators. DFT has presented district officials with financial proposals that include our demands for a pay increase, restoration of steps, TIP payout and a one-time 2016-17 school year bonus. With the passage of education legislation earlier this year, the FRC now has oversight of DPS finances and must approve any financial provisions negotiated by the union and the district.
The DFT continues to fight for a contract that is fair for educators and students.