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Parents, Students, Community Leaders and AFT Detroit issued the following statements and presented the list of demands during a press conference held on Tuesday, July 28.  Please click the links, Press Release -- Community Leaders, Labor, Parents and Students Come Together Demanding A Safe Return To School, and Reopening School Demands, to view the documents in full. 


Sisters and Brothers:

I sincerely hope that all is well with you and your family during this challenging COVID-19 crisis that has gripped metro Detroit, the state of Michigan, our nation, and the world.

The recent uptick in coronavirus cases in Michigan over the last week is concerning. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said last Thursday that, “We can’t let our guard down and play fast and loose with the rules,” referring to her prior directives that state residents wear protective face covering in public establishments.  

At the same time, U.S. Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, appeared on


Congratulations to all those who were elected to represent the Detroit Federation of Teachers at the American Federation of Teachers National Convention. Please click the link 2020 AFT Delegate Election Results to view the full list. 

The election for delegates to the 2020 AFT National Convention will begin today, Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 5 p.m. est until Friday, June 26, 2020 at 5 p.m. est. 
Please look for the link with your ballots starting today. The email will come from DFT ELECTION COMMITTEE as the subject. Please check your Spam and Junk Folder. If no ballot received by 12 p.m. on Wednesday June 24, 2020 please send an email to
The election of delegates for the 2020 AFT National Convention is postponed until the Executive Board hears and decides on grievances filed against the election.
We will keep you posted on the new start date and time. Please check back to the DFT website and Facebook page for further information. An email will also be sent to all members.