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WHAT'S NEW: DFT Election Results

Here are the results of the DFT Election which were announced at the end of the March 2023 General Membership Meeting. 

one (1) vacancy on Executive Board

  • Gavin Buckley 26
  • Stephen Conn 22
  • Rachele Green 39
  • Kwesi Matthews 4
  • Kimberly L. Mitchell 69

Kimberly L. Mitchell was declared the winner in this race. She will be sworn in at the April General Membership meeting.

three (3) positions on the Election Committee

  • Cheryl Constantino 21
  • Hope Gibson 42
  • Theodosia Gulley 21
  • Tamika Merchant 87
  • Jacqueline Robinson 93
  • Queen Watkins 102

The three members who were elected to the Election Committee are Queen Watkins, Jacqueline Robinson and Tamika Merchant. They will be sworn in at the April General Membership meeting.

WHAT'S NEW: Premiere of Rosa Parks Film


The DFT was proud to be a part of this special event: the film premiere at the Detroit Institute of Arts about the life of Rosa Parks.  After the screening AFT National President, Randi Weingarten, was part of a special conversation  moderated by the film’s executive producer Soledad O’Brien with Jocelyn Benson, Michigan’s Secretary of State, the film’s directors Yoruba Richen and Johanna Hamilton, the book's author, Dr. Jeanne Theoharis and Lonnie McCauley, Rosa Parks’ grandnephew. 


You are invited you to a celebration of The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks on the anniversary of her birthday, Saturday, February 4th, 2023. Please join us for a screening of the first full-length documentary about the life and legacy of Rosa Parks, The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks. After the film, stay for a special conversation moderated by the film’s executive producer Soledad O’Brien with Jocelyn Benson, Michigan’s Secretary of State, Randi Weingarten, President of the American Federation of Teachers, the film’s directors Yoruba Richen and Johanna Hamilton, the book's author, Dr


WHAT'S NEW: Labor Day Parade in Detroit

2024 Labor Day March

Mark your calendars for the 2024 Metro Detroit Labor Day Parade: Monday, September 2, 2024.  Our section will line up at Trumbull and Michigan starting at 7:00 a.m. At 9 a.m., we will march to Roosevelt Park (Michigan Central train station) where there will be a labor program. After the parade, AFT Michigan members and families are invited to stop by our building (2661 E. Jefferson) for an informal BBQ before heading home. ​The DFT will be participating in the parade and we will be carrying our banner.  Join us in solidarity and wear your red DFT t-shirt.

WHAT'S NEW: Reading Opens the World: A Huge Success

Reading Opens the World Banner

There's been so much buzz about the NFL Draft in Detroit. But, we're proud of the impact we have made, by giving our community access to over 50,000 free, high-quality books to educators and families over the past few years.  

Thank you to everyone for coming out to Temple of Faith Baptist Church and/or the Hamtramck Community Center. For the Detroit event of Reading Opens the World, we gave away 10,000+ books, had a voter registration table, Author Ellen Morgan, Ed. D read her children's book Ellie's Formal Table, Poet Jessica Care Moore recited her poem I used to be a roller coaster girl, Marktoons Caricatures (Mark Barry)  drew for students,writing journals for students to create and illustrate their own books, goodie bags, popcorn, and to top it off, a visit by AFT National Secretary-Treasurer, Fedrick Ingram.

Our success is because of our DFT members who took the time to tell families about the event and came out themselves. The members volunteered many hours opening boxes, setting up the stations and working the event. We cannot compete with professional football but that doesn't stop us!  As member after member told us, "This was awesome!"

Enjoy your books!

Reading Opens the World

WHAT'S NEW: Take Action at DPSCD School Board Meeting

Arrive early! See you all there!