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Publications and Reports

Detroit Teacher - October 2014

News in this issue of The Detroit Teacher:

  • Schauer Visits the DFT
  • Teacher Shortage is Early Warning Sign
  • Act Now or Pay Later
  • Putting TIP to Bed
  • Perfect Attendance Bonus for Bldg Reps

And more...[Download here].

Detroit Teacher - May 2014

News in this issue of The Detroit Teacher:

  • DFT Wins Major Arbitration
  • The DFT Takes Concerns to Lansing
  • Detroit Teacher Retires After 48 Years
  • Major Union Win at Cesar Chavez

and more....[Download here].

Detroit Teacher - April 2014

News in this issue of The Detroit Teacher:

  • The DFT Building is Sold!
  • Disdain for Snyder Won't Get Him Out
  • Time to Question Zero Tolerance?
  • The Myth of Failing Schools

and much more...[Download here].

Detroit Teacher - October 2013

News in this issue of The Detroit Teacher:

  • We're In - Putting Your Kids in Your School
  • Blight Removal - a Start Toward Recovery
  • Doing What it Takes to Make it Work
  • Lost Pensions and the Financial Crisis

and more....[Download here].

Detroit Teacher - September 2014

News in this issue of The Detroit Teacher:

  • We Did It! The DFT Defeats 10 Percent Cut
  • Teacher of the Year: She Thinks We're Smart
  • Stop Taking the Easy Way Out
  • All is Still Not Well in the World of DPS

and much more...[Download here].

Detroit Teacher - March 2014

News in this issue of The Detroit Teacher:

  • The DFT Has a New Home
  • How Do You Teach a Student Who Isn't There?
  • Spread the Word to End the Word
  • HELP Unionism Stay Alive

and more....[Download here].