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Republicans in the Michigan Senate are pushing Senate Bill 102, legislation that would close the Michigan Public School Retirement System to newly hired school employees.
This attack on our pensions is being led by anti-working family interests and billionaires—including Betsy DeVos, the U.S. president-elect’s pick for Secretary of Education. DeVos and others like her believe that workers should only have access to risky 401(k)-style retirement plans. We know there will be a serious attempt made to ban traditional pensions in the public sector, and it’s a slippery slope!


LANSING — The selection of Betsy DeVos to serve as U.S. Secretary of Education is an affront to students and education professionals in Michigan, according to the leaders of Michigan’s school employee unions, the American Federation of Teachers Michigan and the Michigan Education Association

DeVos brings no credible experience or expertise in education, but rather has pushed for the privatization and dismantling of public education at every turn. She rejects evidence, research and the experiences of front-line educators in pursuit of policy changes that only serve to profit billionaires.



The Detroit Federation of Teachers and the Coalition of Unions fought for and won an agreement that guarantees affordable access to quality healthcare and provides more options for school employees and their families. Read more from DFT president Ivy Bailey.


DFT Calls on the District to Guarantee Safe, Healthy Schools

In response to news of an unspecified threat targeting Detroit public schools, Detroit Federation of Teachers leaders are urging schools transition manager, Judge Steven Rhodes, to meet their obligation to ensure safe and secure environments for students and educators.

Detroit Civil Rights Lawsuit Makes National News

Check out this article in the Los Angeles Times on the class action lawsuit filed against Gov. Rick Snyder and state education officials on behalf of Detroit’s students and families. DFT leaders participated in a press conference on Sept. 13 announcing the lawsuit. Read the full article here.

The Detroit Federation of Teachers has voted to ratify a new contract agreement. While the contract is far from perfect, the ratification is a significant step in the right direction for our members and our school district. Our fight forward begins now.