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Being Heart-Smart: Wellness Wednesday for Valentine's Day, 2024

February is National American Heart Month and its focus on reducing the risk factors of heart disease.

  1. High blood pressure. Millions of people in the United States have high blood pressure, and millions of them are as young as 40 or 50.
  2. High cholesterol, diabetes, and obesity are all conditions that can increase your risk for heart disease. Work on eating healthy and getting some physical activity a few times a week.
  3. Smoking cigarettes. Over 35 million adults in America are smokers.  If you’re a smoker, do your best to quit or cut down.

Even small changes help make a difference. Reduce the amount of fast food. Eat more greens. Take the stairs. Walk the kids to school. Go outside and play with the kids or walk the dog. Walking is one of the healthiest and safest activities we can do for ourselves.

Sign up for these tips: 100 Ways in 100 Days to Better Health.

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