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WHAT'S NEW: DFT Attends State Federation Leadership Summit


The DFT participated in the annual AFT Michigan Leadership Summit at the University of Michigan-Dearborn last weekend. Treasurer Rodney Fresh, EVP Jason Posey, President Lakia Wilson and Executive Board Member, Marcus Walton, were joined by Eva Coleman, president of the Alliance of Charter Teachers and Staff (ACTA).  The summit focused on three areas: collective bargaining, organizing, and legislative strategies for the year ahead.  

WHAT'S NEW: Spring 2024 Elections

The DFT Election Committee has announced the Spring 2024 election for four (4) election committee members, ten (10) delegates to the AFT Michigan Convention and ten (10) delegates to the AFT National Convention. The election committee spots are full two year terms (April 2024-March 2026).  There are separate calendars for the Election Committee election and the delegates election. The

 and the  list all pertinent dates. The duties of the Election Committee are outlined in the    The instructions for delegates are outlined in the  . There are two (2) separate nomination forms:   and the   .  A member must be in good standing in order to run in either election: Election Committee and delegate. Nominations are open as of today, January 18, 2024. For the Election Committee election, voting will take place in person on March 14,2024 at the general membership meeting. For the delegates election, voting will be online, via Survey Monkey, the week of March 18. Voting will end for the delegates election at 5 p.m. on Friday, March 22, 2024. If you have any other questions, please reach out to the Election Committee at Please allow them time to respond as they are busy teaching and working during the school day.

Here are the documents embedded in the above article.


Terrence Martin

We are excited that one of our own, former DFT President, Terrence Martin, has been named to succeed David Hecker as President of AFT Michigan. Martin recently stepped down as the head of this union in January 2023, a position he had held for 4 years. He became a member of Local 231 when he came to the district as a teacher in 1997. Since that time he has served as a building representative, the treasurer of the union, a labor affairs administrator, community engagement and political action coordinator, executive vice-president and then president. We wish him all the best in this new endeavor.

WHAT'S NEW: Congratulations to DFP President, Donna Jackson


Congratulations to President Donna Jackson, Detroit Federation of Paraprofessionals, Local 2350, for receiving the inaugural Ruby Newbold award at this year's AFT PSRP Conference in Baltimore, Maryland. Donna has served as DFP president for the past 13 years, having started her career in the district in 2005. The DFP represents paraeducators, noon hour aides, and school culture facilitators in the Detroit Public Schools Community District. Upon receiving this award, Donna says she was so surprised and honored. What makes this even more special is the connection between Donna Jackson and Ruby Newbold. Both women served as presidents of their locals within the Detroit Public Schools at the same time. The award was created to honor the late Ruby Newbold and her dedication to advocating for the most vulnerable students and the school employees who supported them. It's clear that President Jackson shares that passion as she is committed to fighting for what our students need and what our union brothers, sisters, and siblings deserve.

LOA Amended Calendar Change 2023-2024

The district and the union have signed a Letter of Agreement affecting the 2023-2024 calendar. The Professional Development originally scheduled for Monday, January 29th will now be held on Tuesday, February 27, 2024. This change is due to the Michigan Presidential Primary Election being held on that day and many of our work locations are polling site. Other calendar changes include the February Count Date and the recognition of Juneteenth. You can read the LOA here  


2023 Summer School LOA

Please check this link for details of Summer School 2023. The LOA speaks to Program Schedules, Wages, Staff Requirements and Class Size.