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WHAT'S NEW: Education Town Hall Meeting

Town Hall Meeting with State Rep Weiss

State Representative Regina Weiss is a former teacher with DPSCD. She is in her second term as a state lawmaker. Also attending will be former DFT President, Terrence Martin, who is now the President of AFT Michigan. Please register for the town hall at this link:

WHAT'S NEW: President Featured Speaker for Women's History

woment's history program

Join President Lakia Wilson-Lumpkins as part of a Women's HERstory program!

WHAT'S NEW: Spring 2024 Election Results

As per the Election Calendar which was provided to members in January, the DFT Election Committee would like to make the following announcement:

No grievances were filed by the February 22, 2024 deadline. Therefore, the Election Committee and Delegate seats are uncontested. There were 4 eligible candidates for the 4 open seats on the Election Committee and there were 10 eligible candidates for the 10 open seats for delegates to the Michigan and National conventions.

The 4 Election Committee eligible candidates are

  1. Devette Brown
  2. Julia Hunko
  3. Onza Stokes
  4. Laura Watt

The 4 Election Committee candidates will be sworn in at the April 2024 General Membership meeting.

These 10 delegates, along with DFT officers, the executive board and the president of DFT 231R (the retirees chapter), will be seated at the AFT Michigan State Convention on Saturday, May 4 and the AFT National Convention in Houston from Monday, July 22 until Thursday, July 25, 2024.

  1. Devette Brown
  2. Cassandra Davis
  3. Tracie Diggins
  4. Mark Duffy
  5. Regina Fuqua
  6. Julia Hunko
  7. Yolanda King
  8. Tamika Merchant
  9. Carol Pierce
  10. Andrea Raiford

WHAT'S NEW: DFT Objects to DPSCD Unilateral Implementation of Certification Bonus

We are STRONGER together.

Please click here: DFT Objects to Unilateral Implementation of Certification Bonus to read the letter written by President Lakia Wilson-Lumpkins and Executive Vice President Jason Posey.

We are engaging our members in a "73 Days of Solidarity" campaign. We have a calendar of daily events that will run for the rest of the year. Not only will we be showing solidarity across our union, we are also asking our members to continue to stand in solidarity with other "union shops" by providing a list of "Shop Union".


The DFT Election Committee has announced the following names of candidates for the upcoming Spring 2024 Elections.

Eligible Nominees for the Election Committee

  1. Devette Brown
  2. Julia Hunko
  3. Onza Stokes
  4. Laura Watt

Eligible Nominees for Delegates to the 2024 AFT Michigan and National Convention

  1. Devette Brown
  2. Cassandra Davis
  3. Tracie Diggins
  4. Mark Duffy
  5. Regina Fuqua
  6. Julia Hunko
  7. Yolanda King
  8. Tamika Merchant
  9. Carol Pierce
  10. Andrea Raiford

WHAT'S NEW: DFT Retirees Chapter Virtual Meeting for February

The February DFT Retirees Chapter meeting will be virtual. There will be no face-to-face meeting due to the Mint having scheduled another event for the same afternoon. Please reach out to Treasurer, Mary Helen D'Angelo, for the Zoom link to join the meeting. She can be reached by phone. Details are on the Events tab.