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WHAT'S NEW: Condolences to the Family of Marvin Green

marvin green

The Detroit Federation of Teachers is expressing condolences to the family of retired Labor Relations Administrator, Marvin Green. Brother Green served in the office as an LRA for many years, under the administrations of John Elliott, Janna Garrison and Virginia Cantrell.

Keith Johnson, former president of the Union, states that he was so saddened to learn that his former colleague passed away back in January. Marvin served more than 20 years as a Labor Relations Administrator for the DFT.

When I came to the DFT office in 1993, Marvin was an invaluable asset to me in learning how to serve our members. Marvin didn't really say much, but he was acutely aware of members rights under the CBA, and was vigilant and diligent in the enforcement of their rights. Marvin was the most organized person in the office.  You never saw his desk cluttered, and his file drawers were immaculately structured; organized either alphabetically or chronologically.  A place for everything, and everything in its place. It was always humorous to me that when I became Director of Operations, how Marvin would come to me to ask how he should proceed on an issue, not because of my knowledge but because of my.position. Marvin was a dedicated Unionist; passionate about education, passionate about the teaching profession, and passionate about his Union. DFT members past and present should be thankful for the service rendered by Marvin L. Green.

Rest in peace my friend and Union brother.

Patrick Falcusan, Retirement Counselor, had this to say about his colleague: When I was new to the Union many years ago, Marvin would offer me advice on how to accomplish some of the tasks that then President John Elliott would assign me.  Marvin would urge me not to attempt too many tasks at once and then end up not doing any of them well.  Rather, he said, I should  concentrate on the really important tasks, but do all of them very well.  Marvin was also my go-to person when there were parts of the Contract that I did not quite understand.  Marvin would take the time to explain the Contract language to me--and answer other union-related questions.  Sometimes I am able to pass along some of his answers when unit members call me with the same questions these many years later."  

Here is his obituary: Marvin L. Green Obituary.  His memorial service will be in Hastings, Michigan on Saturday, June 1, 2024.

WHAT'S NEW: May 2024 Solidarity Calendar

May 2024 Solidarity Calendar

Here is this month's solidarity calendar.  The feedback we have received from members has been encouraging and we can't wait to see the participation this month. We are only STRONGER together when we stand united. Send photos/videos to DFT Communications of May  events at your work location to

May 2024 Solidarity Calendar​.

WHAT'S NEW: Reading Opens the World: A Huge Success

Reading Opens the World Banner

There's been so much buzz about the NFL Draft in Detroit. But, we're proud of the impact we have made, by giving our community access to over 50,000 free, high-quality books to educators and families over the past few years.  

Thank you to everyone for coming out to Temple of Faith Baptist Church and/or the Hamtramck Community Center. For the Detroit event of Reading Opens the World, we gave away 10,000+ books, had a voter registration table, Author Ellen Morgan, Ed. D read her children's book Ellie's Formal Table, Poet Jessica Care Moore recited her poem I used to be a roller coaster girl, Marktoons Caricatures (Mark Barry)  drew for students,writing journals for students to create and illustrate their own books, goodie bags, popcorn, and to top it off, a visit by AFT National Secretary-Treasurer, Fedrick Ingram.

Our success is because of our DFT members who took the time to tell families about the event and came out themselves. The members volunteered many hours opening boxes, setting up the stations and working the event. We cannot compete with professional football but that doesn't stop us!  As member after member told us, "This was awesome!"

Enjoy your books!

Reading Opens the World

WHAT'S NEW: Reading Opens the World Book Giveaways Are Coming!

reading opens the world

We are so excited to announce that not one, but two, book giveaways from AFT National are on their way to us. One location is courtesy of the Detroit Federation of Teachers; the other is sponsored by the Hamtramck Federation of Teachers. It is going to be a morning filled with fun and festivities for everyone! Join us in Detroit on Saturday, April 27 from 9:00 a.m.--12 noon at the Temple of Faith Baptist Church (Activity Building) at 9351 Forrer Street in Detroit. Join us in Hamtramck on Saturday, April 27 from 10 a.m. --2 p.m. at the Hamtramck Community Center, 11350 Charest Street.  It is first come, first serve. These 15,000+ books are going to go fast!

More great news: 

AFT Secy Treasurer Fedrick Ingram

AFT National Secretary-Treasurer, Fedrick C. Ingram will be coming to both Detroit and Hamtramck to be a part of the day's events. What a great opportunity for our members to meet with him. We have invited members of our community to stop by so you'll never know who you will see here.

Be sure to mark Saturday, April 27 on your calendar and let's make sure our students get these high quality books that they need

Click here for the Detroit flyer in English: 

Click here for the Detroit  flyer in Spanish: 

Click here for the Hamtramck flyer in English: 

Click here for the Hamtramck flyer in Arabic: 

Click here for the Hamtramck flyer in Bengali: 

WHAT'S NEW: April 2024 DFT Solidarity Calendar

April 2024 Calendar of Solidarity Events

DFT members are engaging in Solidarity Events at their work locations. We have less than 100 days since our collective bargaining agreement expires.  Here is the calendar for April. Not only will we be showing solidarity across our union, we are also asking our members to continue to stand in solidarity with other "union shops" by providing a list of "Shop Union".

WHAT'S NEW: Completing Retirement Forms

DFT unit members planning on retiring at the end of the 2023-2024 school year should complete all of the forms related to retirement by May 1, 2024.  These forms include:

1.  A Separation from Service Form (SFSF) found on the District's Hub.  Please remember that in order to be paid for sick days upon retirement from DPSCD, eligible employees must submit a SFSF to the District's Human Resource office (HR) no later than May 1, 2024 and retire effective July 1, 2024 (or August 1, 2024 if working during the month of July).  The SFSF should be emailed to HR by May 1, 2024.  (Follow the instructions on the Hub.)  The "effective date of separation" on the SFSF should be listed as June 15, 2024 (or July 31, 2024 if working during the month of July).  After the SFSF is submitted to HR, a confirmation email will be sent to the employee.  Employees should print a copy of that email for their records.

Eligible employees meeting the May 1, 2024 deadline will be paid $45 for each unused sick day in their sick bank for days 1 to 100 and $65 for each unused sick day in their sick bank for days 101 to 200 for a maximum payout of $11,000.  Payout for sick days upon retirement does not include a payout from the catastrophe bank.  (To calculate the number of sick days in one's sick bank, divide the number of sick bank hours by eight [8].)

2.  The pension application forms found on an employee's miAccount with the Michigan Office of Retirement Services (  (Click on the menu item "Ready to Retire", then the box that says, "Apply for Retirement", and then follow the instructions.  Use the same date for "the last day worked" as was used on the SFSF (June 15, 2024 or July 31, 2024).

3.  The application forms for Social Security (if eligible) and Medicare (if eligible) found on Social Security's website (  (This website is separate and unrelated to the Michigan Office of Retirement Services' website and an employee's miAccount.)

Questions about retirement can be directed to the DFT's retirement counselor, Patrick Falcusan, at 313-875-6783 at any time during the year.